1. Taskwarrior

    I've used a lot's of tools to get a grip on my todo lists for work, for the scouting movement, for technical projects, household, etc. Started by using pen and paper, switched to a little notebook (which I still use for short-term tasks) to start using software to organize them.

    I've used evernote, gtasks, tracks, github issues, gitlab issues, redmine tickets, in short plenty passed by only tracks survived. I still use it for my work related projects, everyday at 8:30AM I get my list of tasks for that day. That way I have some sort of control on …

  2. Command line printing & scanning

    Since I discovered the joy of using the ratpoison window manager I'm trying to do all tasks I need to perform on my system using the command line.

    One of those frequently used tasks is printing out documents or scanning in files. Until today I used the software viewer of my documents to print and simple-scan to scan my files.

    Nowadays I use the command line to perform those tasks. To print out documents I use the lp command:

    "Get the status off all printers on your system"
    $ lpc status all
    "Print the desired file to a specific printer"
    $ lpr …

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